A way you can reduce your gangstalking is to simply change your routines. One of the reasons that its easier for perps to gangstalk a ti is because the ti has a set pattern of favorite stores, restaurants, gas stations, banks etc. that they like to go to. If the ti were to change it up a little and go to different places instead of the usual and even to other towns and cities they typically don't frequent, their targeting would drop. The street theater that the perps show the ti could take days of planning in advance, but if the ti doesn't show up to their show, then they don't get a giftcard.
A list of tips
=Try to avoid putting yourself into situations where you can be gangstalked.
=Use airplane mode. If they don't know where you are because they can't track your phone, it makes their job that much harder.
-Do the exact opposite of what they want you to do. Don't do what they're trying to get you to do. If they want you to go left go right, if they want you to go faster go slower, if they want you to leave stay, if they want you to stay leave.
-Take a different street to go to the store. Try to go to the store when there's other people in it. Its harder for them to conduct street theater when there's a lot of witnesses. If they do noise campaigns when other people are around, what you'll notice is the "normal people" look in shock and think to themselves "Wtf is that guy doing over there making all that noise?!," while the perps in the store ignore it as if nothings happening to gas-light the situation.
-If you see a herd of these people in front of a store, timing it so that your walking with them when you go in, take your time and they will pass.
-If you get mobbed at the elevators take the stairs.
-Make a small friendly conversation with them. Do this to perps that don't expect it. Don't do this to perps that have a planned out dialogue with you.
=When taking vacations, try to do walk-ins at the hotel or same-day reservations. It cuts down on what they can do to you. My Dad made a reservation at a hotel we stayed at a few weeks in advance and we had noisy neighbors banging on walls and slamming doors throughout our stay. Which brings me to another point, try to stay at hotels that have the automatic door closer mechanism at the top of the room doors to prevent perps from slamming doors. Staying at the newer brand name hotels seem to help cut down on the noise levels also as theyre designed to reduce the noise with newer materials and methods as opposed to older motels. Hilton and Marriott are examples of these hotels that come to mind. A few days after our stay, my Dad's credit card information was stolen. Someone used it in Texas and New York, we're in California by the way. A report was filed with the police as a requirement from the credit card company and the unauthorized charges on the credit card were cancelled. The hotel we stayed at changed names a couple years after our stay there. Possibly new owner.
These videos talk about how to use unpredictability to reduce gangstalking.